Hi everyone, it’s Alyssa (@alyssabrascia) here with our newest weekly segment coming to D-RAVEL, Boutique of the Week. To begin this weekly journey, our Boutique of the Week is where we will highlight some stand-out boutiques all across the globe. We are confident these boutiques should be on your itinerary when visiting a new place.
This week’s boutique of the week is a Midwestern-grown, campus favorite at Iowa State University in Ames, IA dubbed Portobello Road.
Portobello Road
Portobello Road grew its roots in 2012. The cute boutique was opened by Talia Jensen, an Iowa State apparel merchandising and design alum. Just under 8 years in business, Jensen runs the shop on her own and culminates a concoction of edgy, rocker tees to dainty, floral sundresses for her collegiate customers.

Always stocked up on unique fashions, Portobello Road embraces the “anything goes” way of fashion. Portobello provides styles that are both trendy and timeless. In addition, Portobello’s clothing is sourced from resale markets—the styles sold at our Boutique of the Week can also be seen at retail giants such as Urban Outfitters and Free People, but with a much prettier price tag.

Jensen believes in keeping her clothing affordable, yet sustainable. These quality pieces will last and still be on-trend, even if the fad fades.
If you’re not there in person to browse through the wooden racks of clothing or peruse the kitschy accessories decorating the store, then you can always count on Portobello’s ever-active Instagram. Jensen is constantly updating the story to show what’s new in-store and even how she herself would style them.
Shop Instagram
Speaking of her Instagram, you can head on over to @portobelloroadames to see for yourself the ever-updated social media. And trust me, you don’t want to miss out on these sweet styles.
When I peruse through her Instagram, I find myself gravitating towards this vintage band tee (who doesn’t love a good Don’t Stop Believin’ action).

How cute are these skirts? Perfect for summer. I would love to pair that vintage band tee with one of these essential snakeskin skirts (my heart is telling me the taupe one).

And I’d throw this cool, one-of-a-kind jacket (something that you can only seem to find at Portobello) over my fit for a dated edge.

To top it off, I’d grab a pair of these chic shades that Portobello always stays stocked on. With Portobello Road’s accessories, we will conquer the day, one stylish outfit at a time.

So, if you’re ever in the Des Moines area and feel like taking a little drive down to Ames to check out this adorable, vintage-inspired and trendy boutique nestled in central Iowa, make sure to tell ‘em that D-RAVEL sent you.
What’s your favorite from above?